In Order To Be The Best, You Must Train With The Best. Wahoo Creates Innovative Solutions To Make Hard Fought Goals Attainable And Lives Better.
The combined forces of Wahoo's proven power algorithms and Speedplay’s advanced features set PowrLink Zero power pedals a cut above the competition. By capturing total power, left-right balance and cadence, PowrLink Zero Dual delivers all the actionable data required to generate performance improvements.
Pair with the full Wahoo Ecosystem of smart devices to track, analyze and share your breakthrough gains.
Lab tested accuracy that provides a precise power measurement for all training efforts.
Track, analyze and improve your performance with POWRLINK ZERO's dual-sided power metrics: total power, cadence and left/right balance. In capturing all three metrics, our sports-science based approach not only monitors power output, but also gives the rider insight to optimize pedal symmetry for a more efficient pedal stroke.
Whether crushing watts on the road or the trainer, POWRLINK ZERO’s left and right sensors deliver total power, the most accurate representation of your overall output.
The dual-sided sensors in the POWRLINK ZERO power pedals enable them to provide left and right power percentage data to give you insight and understanding into your power distribution. Whether coming back from injury or trying to improve your pedal stroke efficiency, this data is invaluable for measuring improvements.
With its internal gyroscope, POWRLINK ZERO reports out cadence data to help you identify your sweet spot effort and power output.
Our simple and intuitive Wahoo Fitness app offers guided instructions on how to install POWRLINK ZEROs on any bike, calibrate the pedals for accuracy, and perform firmware updates.