Gared Sports Junior Jammer Youth Backboard Hoop Attachment - JJ1

Gared Sports Junior Jammer Youth Backboard Hoop Attachment - JJ1

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Gared Sports Junior Jammer Youth Backboard Hoop Attachment - JJ1

Gared Sports Junior Jammer Youth Backboard Hoop Attachment - JJ1

$963.99 $906.99

Gared Sports Junior Jammer Youth Backboard Hoop Attachment - JJ1

$963.99 $906.99

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Igniting Passion in Junior Athletes with Elevated Play

The JJ1 Junior Jammer is designed to allow younger players to play on competition systems by lowering the goal to official youth height of 8' 6". Adapter includes a fiberglass board which is securely attached to existing goal, and a fixed stationary rim.

Product Material Fiberglass / Steel
Country of Origin
Product Play Level Recreation, Youth


 ✓ JJ1 Specifications

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