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Get started on a path to Intelligent Healthful Living® with the Lee Household Flour Mill.
The world's first electric household grain grinder, developed in the 1930s by Dr. Royal Lee, has been redesigned with a new look, larger motor, and broader milling capabilities. With a fresh take on its classic style, incorporating inventor Dr. Lee's centrifugal governor and stationary millstone, the Lee Household Flour Mill reduces a variety of whole grains into nutritious, full-flavored flour.
The Lee Household Flour Mill is simple to use. Pour grain in the hopper, set your desired texture and turn it on. The stone mill efficiently reduces the entire grain kernel into nutritious, fine flour that does not require sifting. Featuring easy disassembly for cleaning, the high-grade stainless steel, aluminum and millstone parts can be removed, brushed or rinsed and reassembled in minutes.
Dr. Royal Lee, a prolific inventor, and pioneer of holistic nutrition developed the mill to make it possible for Americans to have nutritious, fresh, whole wheat flour for baking whenever they needed it. Along with a handful of other pioneers in thefield of holistic nutrition, Dr. Lee considered the processed, bleached white flour being produced by the large flour companies of his day to be nutritionally inferior and potentially challenging to one’s health. He saw his mill as a way for Americans to live healthier lives through better nutrition.
Stationary mill stone disc produces extraordinarily fine flour
Adjustable from coarse milling to extra fine milling
1 horsepower US-made motor with overheat protection
Quieter than the original Lee Flour Mill, and quieter than most food processors
Easy disassembly for fast thorough cleanup
Washable milling disc and feed valve assembly
4 quart Pyrex collecting bowl (can also be used as a mixing bowl)
Sized to fit under standard kitchen cabinets
Made entirely in the United States of America
Meets UL safety standards
Measures | 9.3” W x 13.8” D x 17.6” H |
Food grade | synthetic stationary millstone |
8 cup | hopper capacity |
Available | Red, Black, White or Green |
On/off switch | Nine texture settings (coarse to fine) |
120 volts AC | 60 Hertz, 746 watts, 7 amperes |
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